4 tips to staying ahead as a marketer in an ever-changing digital world

4 tips to staying ahead as a marketer in an ever-changing digital world

4 tips to staying ahead as a marketer in an ever-changing digital world

Sally Hutchinson

Senior Account Manager

10 May 2024

So you’ve just about got to grips with the latest updates in Digital Marketing then Adam Mosseri or Google comes along with new developments. Even here at ActionRocket, we. feel. your. pain. It’s an age-old story, people learn and absorb information in different ways so it’s crucial to find a way that works best for you around your working day. Whether you’re an audio or visual learner, a morning or afternoon person, here are 4 ActionRocket tried and tested methods for staying on top of the ever-changing digital landscape.

#1 Smart Social

LinkedIn. Yes, this is typically a ‘networking’ tool but instead, it can be used as a one-stop shop for all the updates you need. Keep your follower list tidy, keep it relevant, but ultimately fill it with the spokespeople of your industries because they are doing the hard work for you and will give you quick and easy access to the up-to-date information you need. Whether that’s Alexa Heinrich for Accessibility, Charlie Thompson for Sustainable Marketing, Andy Lambert for Social Media, or Katy Leeson for Marketing Leadership.

Once the list’s set up and you’ve honed your followers, simply take 10 minutes every day to take a quick scroll and lift out the information that you need.

#2 Sharing’s Caring

Some people learn better in group situations or when pressure is put on individuals to present something. Set up a fortnightly session and everyone interested brings one piece of information to share and discuss with the group. You could even use different themes, channels, etc to keep it fresh and interesting. An even easier way to do this is to have an internal channel where everyone can share links, news, and updates. But be sure to pull out a key learning when sharing a link as no one wants to see a long stream of links with no context!

#3 Prioritise Focus Time

Industry learning and growth is a priority but let’s face it, it does fall down the to-do list time and time again, but, for us to be the best at our jobs it’s vital we are on top of the game and focus time can help with that. Block out your calendar for a few hours each week, at a time that is generally free from distractions and where you feel calm and focused (we don’t absorb information when we’re stressed). Put a DND on Slack, tell your team you need some focus time, ask a colleague to cover you. You can always return the favour. 

#4 Be Time Savvy

We can access information in a wealth of ways from live events to podcasts but there’s always tons of information to filter through. This is, a) overwhelming and b), time-consuming. So embrace watching webinar replays on speed x1.5, use AI tools to summarise articles into bullet points, and create a folder in your Inbox to store newsletters you want to come back to and read. Set yourself an achievable target, for example, 2 hours a week to stay abreast of Digital Marketing news. Be smart with your time, no one’s expecting you to remember everything.  

Ultimately, finding your way to keep on top of emerging trends without it feeling like a chore is key. We hope these top tips have helped you feel confident in keeping on top of emerging trends and embracing change within the Digital Marketing industry. If not, don’t worry, and Drop us a message, as our team of marketing wizards will be more than happy to help.




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