Co Branded Email - Giraffe Case Study

Co Branded Email - Giraffe Case Study

Co Branded Email - Giraffe Case Study

Bex Osborn

Marketing Strategist

14 Mar 2012

Cross-promo campaigns are often a challenge for email marketers to get right - when a campaign is sent to a brand's list talking about a deal or collaboration with another brand.

Commercially they often make sense - and when featuring a complimentary brand, can offer good value to the user.

However, it's quite easy to make these look like spam, especially if it's unclear that the user is receiving the email about Brand B because they're on Brand A's list.This campaign from UK restaurant chain Giraffe is a good example of a cross-promo campaign done well.

There's a few reasons why it works:

The creative clearly shows why I'm receiving this - I'm on Giraffe's list and their brand is still there in the campaign.

Go Ape is complimentary to the Giraffe brand - it's something that also appeals to their demographic and the offer is a good fit.

There's a nice synergy between two animal/nature based brands that is used to good effect in the copy.

Additionally this is a good example of using email and social media together - sending a campaign to launch a competition on Twitter and Facebook.




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