International Animation Day #5

International Animation Day #5

International Animation Day #5

Bex Osborn

Marketing Strategist

26 Oct 2018

With our International Animation Day Week, coming to an end, we thought we would leave you with our most recent and fun animation work from our studio! PizzaExpress is the single biggest restaurant brand in the UK.

With a fantastic social presence, their customers love to hear from the brand receiving offers and promotions via email.

We provide strategy, design, and HTML build to PizzaExpress CRM programs and regular campaigns.

Whilst helping to maintain a smooth process for everyday work, we also support their team in pushing innovative digital ideas.

Instagram Stickers Brief:

With a lot of buzz and excitement around the current use of social media GIF’s and stickers, we were asked to create brand stickers for PizzaExpress to be used on Instagram.

They wanted to enhance user experience, whilst elevating the PizzaExpress brand through the platform.

We needed to design 5 brand stickers using loop animation with a low file size, to be usable on Instagram Stories.


The brief for this project was specific, but allowed us to experiment with which assets would work best on the platform.

We stuck with simple and branded loop animations, as we thought that would make them easily recognisable by users.

The outcome:

Animated roundel logo Animated text logo Excited Doughball I heart PizzaExpress Animated Doughballs "I’ve been learning After Effects so I can create more exciting animations - this has been a perfect fit for Instagram stickers.

They are playful and not overly complex so it was a lot of fun putting these together." Sam Beddoes, Senior Designer.

These stickers are now live on Instagram , if you're using Stories you just have to type PizzaExpress and these fun animations will appear! Bex Highfield Marketing Manager




Got a project or want to know more about what we do? Drop us a message here, and we'll get back to you.




Got a project or want to know more about what we do? Drop us a message here, and we'll get back to you.

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