Get your emails out of the dark this Halloween

Get your emails out of the dark this Halloween

Get your emails out of the dark this Halloween

Hamish Nixon


30 Oct 2023

As the season of Ghosts and Ghouls lands, there's no reason why your business’s emails should live in the shadows too. Just like carving pumpkins and donning costumes, email marketing has several tricks up its sleeve towards illuminating a path for your business’s success. Let’s explore some of the ways that email marketing can become a beacon of light this Halloween! 

1. Grabbing Customers' Attention (without giving them a fright!) 

Imagine your customer's inbox as a dark and mysterious forest. When they receive a marketing email, it's like a lantern in the night – the subject line is the glow that draws them in. Poorly executed subject lines can be a bit of a fright for some readers, so it’s important you put your focus into more creative and intriguing lines that really captivate your customers attention! In a crowded digital world, grabbing attention is crucial.

2. The Dark Art of Personalisation.  

Your customers may feel a bit spooked when their emails seem to know exactly what they need or want. But this type of black magic is a good thing - and you should never be afraid to use it!  By analysing your customer data, you can tailor your emails to individual preferences, providing customers with offers that are in some cases, scarily relevant! Personalisation can make all the difference between a deleted email and a converted sale.

3. The Fear of Missing Out

Fear is a natural emotion, especially the psychological fear your customers may face when they realise they're missing out on a great new offer! Exclusive deals, seasonal promotions and limited-time offers can persuade readers to take action before it’s too late. A subtle element of fear can go a long way towards boosting engagement and driving sales.

4. Friendly Ghosts (reminders)

It’s fairly common for customers to abandon their online shopping cart mid purchase. This is the perfect opportunity to nudge a gentle reminder about the items they have left behind. Imagine these sorts of emails as a friendly ghost, helping customers find their way back to the store. This “Friendly Ghost” strategy can be a lifesaver for businesses looking to recover lost sales. 

In conclusion, while some messages tend to get a bit lost in the dark, each of these techniques can serve as the spare batteries for your Email Marketing flashlight! Get in touch with us here so we can work with you to delve into the world of email together, lighting the way towards some big rewards!




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