Is your email campaign relevant enough?

Is your email campaign relevant enough?

Is your email campaign relevant enough?

Nicole Holden

Senior Copywriter

15 Jun 2022

To achieve optimum email open and click-thru, being individually relevant is the target to aim for. Delivering the right information, at the right moment, to the right person, and in our evolving multi-channel world, suited to what device they see it on, is the relevancy mantra. So, here are our top tips on making sure your email campaign is relevant enough.

A subject line that continues to deliver

As we know, the subject line and pre-header is the most crucial part of an email, so the relevancy checklist is particularly important here. But the promise created by a tailored subject line can be quickly un-done by content that doesn’t match it. Subject line copy and email content are intrinsically connected, and they should share the same intended action.

Timing is everything

Timing of when an email drops is not just about time of day. It’s also understanding where the customer is in their buying cycle. Are they brand new to purchasing, a regular buyer, dormant or inactive?

Using context to appeal or reassure

Context is global, not just personal, so theming subject lines and content around seasons and celebrations, such as Christmas, Easter and Summer, is one tool for creating a relevant email that can then focus on product launches. The pandemic has re-defined these available themes too and introduced a complete set of new ones that address changing circumstances.

Targeting on data based on previous purchases

Targeting on historical buying data is all very well but real relevance is using data to pre-empt what customers are looking for. If a customer, for example, has just bought a car, they won’t need another, but they may need other products and services associated with it.

Targeting on behavioural data

Being relevant on communications to customers who have purchased is simple enough but what about prospects? This is where relevance may have to map into the brand. Behavioural data - what’s left behind in a basket or what’s been viewed – defines a customer’s digital movements, identifying what they might do next.

Targeting on qualitative data

Email relevance can be fine-tuned even further by using qualitative data. Asking consumers more questions about what they want means they can personalise their own journey. Starting this at the on-boarding stage of an email campaign can result in tailoring the message throughout a whole lifecycle.

Recognising the device

Tailoring an email to the device someone reads it on, whether that’s desktop, mobile or smart watch, is particularly relevant to copy length. And whatever it’s viewed on normally indicates how it’s read - skimmed or in full. Harnessing the data on this and adapting to suit can really gain an edge on a successful campaign.

Lastly – we do also ask the question, is email the most relevant channel? It’s certainly highly effective in converting audiences yet another channel, such as social media, may be more relevant for certain content.




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