Bex Osborn
Marketing Strategist
19 Oct 2015
Lucky enough to be an email marketer in London on the 29th? Then you may know about the annual ghost table hunt we've organised...
basically, an excuse to have another #emaildrinks, dress up and hang with a cool bunch of people.
If you're stuck for an outfit (for this event or need one just for everyday use), here are some basic costumes that we've adapted and should be pretty easy to throw together in under 10 days.
NB :
There aren't any strict rules, but something to do with email/internet/geek will get a nod of appreciation on the night.
Here are some email-y ideas.. silver-cadbury-chocolate-lollipop 1. ET (Exact Target)...
with an orange or blue hoody? You decide 2.
MailChimp Freddie: + a blue hat and satchelImage: 3.
A Litmus test - blue trousers & pinky-red top (probably the easiest yet not entirely obvious...