Highlights from Completely Email Conference 2014

Highlights from Completely Email Conference 2014

Highlights from Completely Email Conference 2014

Bex Osborn

Marketing Strategist

9 Jun 2014

Last week we went to the inaugural Completely Email conference in Central London.

Speakers included Becs Rivett, Kirsty Trainer, Alex Ilhan, Mark Robbins and Tim Watson.

Here's some of the take aways:

On advanced coding techniques My in email game from #completelyemail http://t.co/DfGYWz7RqR have a play.

It don't work in Outlook — Mark Robbins (@M_J_Robbins) June 5, 2014 Here is the SVG fallback code I mentioned earlier #completelyemail - http://t.co/cyUqu4E7dP — Mark Robbins (@M_J_Robbins) June 5, 2014 Great argument for progressive enhancement:

make modern emails, email clients will catch up @M_J_Robbins #completelyemail — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 this is why the email community is awesome - group code experiments #completelyemail @M_J_Robbins pic.twitter.com/9UDbnX6beU — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 #completelyemail failing:

the more you fail at email code, the better you get at it — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 yes! "get over coding like it's 1998, code like it's 2014" @M_J_Robbins #completelyemail — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 On testing and QA RT @iamacyborg :

Always send internally, always too easy to make mistakes.

Bad when those mistakes get sent to millions.

#completelyemail — tfma_event (@tfma_event) June 6, 2014 #completelyemail testing:

sign up for live accounts, get a few devices (here's ours http://t.co/GSKpeG7mjw ), get @litmusapp and @EmailonAcid — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 #completelyemail when you write copy (and design tbh) leave it for a while, come back to it fresh and imagine being a recipient - @HennekeD — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 On automation #completelyemail automation of your email systems can help scale things like segmentation and personalisation.

Triggers help relevance — Simon Dunant (@NewRiseDigital) June 5, 2014 On images-off After hearing yesterday at #completelyemail that 45% of recipients don't turn on images I receive this email...

pic.twitter.com/Qe3P41LbB8 — Kirsty Trainer (@KirstyTrainer) June 6, 2014 On web fonts in email Paul Airy thanks for making fonts sound sexy they are the main reason I have glasses for screen work.

#completelyemail — Tom (@TomEd_Standing) June 5, 2014 I don't know where I heard it but if you have more than three fonts on a page you've got too many.

Keep it neat and simple #completelyemail — Natalie Corner (@corner_natalie) June 5, 2014 Places to get web fonts for email:

http://t.co/VmLtQXWUZH http://t.co/xA1pSnd2Sm https://t.co/gnLeRumf3J (free) #completelyemail — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 #completelyemail cheers @becskr - here's a bit more about web fonts in email from us http://t.co/oFD1bKyGsY — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 On Acquisition #completelyemail grow your list growth everywhere not just your website.

Form partnerships for leverage — Simon Dunant (@NewRiseDigital) June 5, 2014 Make sure your popups don't annoy people, otherwise the data you gather will be worthless.

#completelyemail pic.twitter.com/71ZkYEW5zK — Jacques Corby-Tuech (@iamacyborg) June 5, 2014 Wait until your site visitor is actually engaged before you hit them with the pop up & grow that list #completelyemail — Mike Ragan (@Mike_Ragan) June 5, 2014 People know their email address is valuable, on signup give people something back (like an offer) #completelyemail — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 #completelyemail putting subscribe link in emails for people that get forwarded the email.

Simple but brilliant advice from @KirstyTrainer — Matthew Lawrence (@mattjlawrence) June 5, 2014 "a huge signup form is like talking about baby names on the first date" awesome from Al @omgitsonlyalex #completelyemail — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 On Mobile email Great to hear some realistic comments on responsive design.

It isn't a necessity it's a possibility depending on audience.

#completelyemail — Chris Goldson (@Chrisgoldson90) June 5, 2014 Surprised by the lack of love for responsive mobile emails today #IStillThinkItsAwesome #completelyemail — Sadie Arnold (@SadieAtGenie) June 5, 2014 Most people will browse on smartphone and then continue the process cross-device by purchasing on tablet and desktop #completelyemail — Russell Dawson (@rutdawson) June 5, 2014 "Responsive design/build is not the be all and end all." *sharpens the pitchfork of context* #completelyemail — Mike Ragan (@Mike_Ragan) June 5, 2014 On content "If content is king, then data builds the kingdom." Brilliant.

#CompletelyEmail @tawatson — Natalie Rockall (@natrock) June 5, 2014 Avoid saying 'to those of you' in an email, like you're emailing a crowd.

Emails should be personal #completelyemail — Amish Patel (@amish_patel06) June 5, 2014 Write for one person, not for a vague group #completelyemail — Jacques Corby-Tuech (@iamacyborg) June 5, 2014 On Social media Be careful with Facebook comps, lots of people spend their whole day applying to these, data won't be worth anything #completelyemail — Jacques Corby-Tuech (@iamacyborg) June 5, 2014 Interesting - you can share your email list with facebook(!) and then target/untarget fb ads based on that #completelyemail @tawatson — ActionRocket (@ActionRocket) June 5, 2014 On email being everywhere #completelyemail pic.twitter.com/NKS8i8MJ8v — Mark Robbins (@M_J_Robbins) June 5, 2014 At the pub Collated #completelyemail photos https://t.co/sgU0MNEzzu #click — Email Chic Geek (@EmailChicGeek) June 6, 2014




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