39 Tweetable Email Tips from #TEDC14

39 Tweetable Email Tips from #TEDC14

39 Tweetable Email Tips from #TEDC14

Bex Osborn

Marketing Strategist

22 Aug 2014

We had an awesome time this week at The Email Design Conference in Boston.

Here's our highlights from the Twitter feed.

New Ideas Good discourse at #TEDC14 .

Next generation of email creators don’t want shortcuts, they want to know how to do new things.


— TrendlineInteractive (@trendlinei) August 21, 2014 Only use a hack if it's required to keep the integrity of the design intact.

#TEDC14 pic.twitter.com/k6t9BvdQTh — Brian Graves (@briangraves) August 22, 2014 Every email you send needs to be valuable, engaging, necessary and true.

Every email that isn't all 4 erodes subscriber trust.

#TEDC14 — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 20, 2014 Opens just suck as a metric.

We don't look at opens, we look at clicks.

— @John4man #TEDC14 — Carey Mercier (@carey_mercier) August 22, 2014 Forget industry "baselines" ...

Your own audience is unique! Only try to beat yourself.

#tedc14 #TEDCNTACC — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 20, 2014 "Sending mediocre email is no longer acceptable." When was it ever acceptable? #TEDC14 @litmusapp — Penny Tselikis (@penny_tselikis) August 20, 2014 Best thing I've heard all day:

"Use data to inform, not dictate.

It's OK to say no to data if it harms in the long-term" - Vicky Ge #TEDC14 — Starr Pagharion (@starrrwars) August 20, 2014 Email is not a JPG, print ad or one-page website.

#TEDC14 — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 18, 2014 A remarkable email is human.

Words from the wise.

#TEDC14 pic.twitter.com/sxPGfxLjrp — shauna carlson (@sra5446) August 20, 2014 "Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away." Great quote for design #TEDC14 — Starr Pagharion (@starrrwars) August 20, 2014 "Are we doing cool shit just to do cool shit or are we doing it for a purpose?" Us media/tech folks need to ask ourselves this! #TEDC14 — Starr Pagharion (@starrrwars) August 20, 2014 Is your message valuable at this stage, to this group, for this use case? If not, then don't send it.

#TEDC14 @zacharyhanz — Litmus (@litmusapp) August 20, 2014 Engagement dies when you buy lists.

So do the hearts of legitimate email marketers worldwide.

#TEDC14 — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 20, 2014 Does your content pass the "so what?" test? #TEDC14 — Justine Jordan (@meladorri) August 19, 2014 When a person subscribes to your emails, they want more than messages.

They want a relationship with you.

#TEDC14 @KEVINgotbounce — Litmus (@litmusapp) August 20, 2014 You need to build credits in your trust bank through every email you send #TEDC14 — Courtney Fantinato (@CourtFantinato) August 20, 2014 One more @emailrocks :

Unlike all other digital marketing methods, we can guarantee a qualified audience and accurately report on it.

#TEDC14 — Nathan Clough (@pageheaven) August 20, 2014 You can achieve naturally flowing text into a multi-column format using 'column-count:2' with decent support in email.

#mindblown #TEDC14 — Litmus (@litmusapp) August 20, 2014 "Pixel perfect thinking is likely to drive you insane." Sage wisdom from @flcarneiro on the virtues of email creation.

#TEDC14 — Justine Jordan (@meladorri) August 18, 2014 Test different "voices" in your subject lines.

Think of informative, question, action based and teaser messaging.

#TEDC14 — Meg Tiffany (@megtiffany) August 20, 2014 You are not necessarily your company's core audience.

Design with the data you gain about your customers.

#TEDC14 — Meg Tiffany (@megtiffany) August 20, 2014 "Best practices are training wheels." Do what's best for your business/brand, not what someone else says you should do.

Test! #TEDC14 — Justine Jordan (@meladorri) August 18, 2014 One of my top ten things I have heard today "Stop treating email like it’s 1999.

Or even 2012.

‘Cuz it’s not.” #TEDC14 — Shani Nestingen (@shanij) August 18, 2014 Truth OH at #TEDC14 "Google has built a driverless car, I have faith that they'll support CSS in email someday" @flcarneiro @KEVINgotbounce — Justine Jordan (@meladorri) August 18, 2014 The Stats Web fonts are supported in Apple Mail, Outlook 2000/2011, Thunderbird, iOS and some Android versions.

#TEDC14 @Paul_Airy — Litmus (@litmusapp) August 20, 2014 Did you know people use email more than they use Facebook on their smartphones? http://t.co/EjoFcbMFsf #TEDC14 — Tom Gormley (@tgormtx) August 20, 2014 Looks like #TEDC14 has finally settled the GIF/JIF debate.

90% of email designers vote GIF, 10% vote JIF.

Sorry, @KEVINgotbounce .

— Litmus (@litmusapp) August 20, 2014 43% of users view emails with images off.

Alt text matters. #TEDC14 — Anna K.

Amendolare (@aka_des1gn) August 20, 2014 Funtimes I went to #TEDC14 to hear about email marketing and left with an entire wardrobe.

#swag http://t.co/EpESvmwAUp — Steve Salcedo (@stevesalcedo) August 22, 2014 All of the #TEDC14 selfies compiled here.

I'm legit never taking another selfie. My smile muscles hurt.

pic.twitter.com/Z0XVH7TMed — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 21, 2014 "Email is like a public toilet.

It's always there when you need it. We all use it.

No one brags about it." #TEDC14 — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 20, 2014 A BLAST of knowledge and good times while learning how to use the most important medium ever.

#EmailDesign #TEDC14 pic.twitter.com/k6KMktFU25 — Adriano Martino (@martinobranding) August 21, 2014 The desktop wallpaper of @flcarneiro .

Wouldn't have expected anything different.

#TEDC14 pic.twitter.com/Mzl4g5dUXS — Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) August 18, 2014 I've got a great idea for an app...

$6 Billion spent on email software acquisitions this year.

#TEDC14 — Jason Meeker (@jpmeeker) August 20, 2014 The Comedown One of my favorite bits of #TEDC14 was the people;

everyone was passionate about their work, great to chat with, and excited for the future.— Fabio Carneiro (@flcarneiro) August 22, 2014 Rocking my #ILoveEmail shirt from @litmusapp at #TEDC14 and a database manager asked if I love envelopes.

http://t.co/I4DhQ3ateq — Maia Briggs (@MaiaPapaya83) August 22, 2014 The Email Design Conference 2014 ∞ Ted Goas http://t.co/wgC2X8LKeO #emailmarketing #tedc14 — Email Insights (@EmailInsights) August 21, 2014 I was asked what I learned at #TEDC14 , that's like asking someone what they learned from reading an encyclopedia.

— Dan Caro (@dcaro12) August 22, 2014 #TEDC14 attendees, join your fellow email geeks in the Litmus Community:

https://t.co/Ooa11omaZl The conversation doesn't have to stop! ^JR — Litmus (@litmusapp) August 21, 2014 See you next year at #TEDC15!




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