Client: Babylon Health

Client: Babylon Health

Babylon Health's Interactive Email Campaign

Explore how Babylon Health's innovative use of AMP for Email boosted engagement, click-throughs, and health check completions.


Babylon Health, a leading health tech company offering virtual consultations with doctors, aimed to promote its new app feature—the health check. This feature offers users a comprehensive lifestyle evaluation and a "digital twin" 3D model to highlight health improvements. Babylon Health sought to use AMP for Email to showcase this advanced feature interactively and drive user engagement.


We worked with Babylon Health to launch an interactive email campaign using AMP for Email to embed the health check directly within the inbox, offering a seamless experience. We created three email versions (CSS coded, AMP, and non-interactive) with clear CTAs to drive users to explore the app’s features. This approach aimed to engage users and highlight the advanced functionality of the health check.


The campaign achieved a 20% increase in email engagement, 56% more click-throughs from interactive emails compared to non-interactive ones, and a 20% rise in health check completions. This innovative use of AMP for Email significantly boosted user interaction and set a new standard for future campaigns.

Client Testimonial

The design process was interesting, as thinking interaction-first forces you to think much more visually than normal because you are trying to make the interactive elements front and centre. — Catherine Allen, Associate Director of CRM at Babylon Heath.




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