Client: BBC

Client: BBC

BBC iPlayer's ‘A Perfect Planet’ Campaign

Explore how our interactive email design for BBC’s ‘A Perfect Planet’ drove exceptional engagement, educating and inspiring viewers while increasing iPlayer sign-ups.


In our ongoing BBC collaboration, we tackled the challenge of the ‘A Perfect Planet’ email campaign for the David Attenborough TV show. The goal was to convert casual wildlife enthusiasts into regular viewers and drive exploration of iPlayer, all while educating them on the show's focus on climate change and wildlife.


To effectively convey the show’s content, we chose an interactive accordion-style email format for better user engagement and mobile compatibility. We designed and tested various mockups to ensure functionality across email clients, including those without interactive support. Our process involved designing, coding, extensive testing, and refining based on BBC feedback to deliver a seamless final product.


The campaign achieved 588,000 unique opens and a 35% open rate. It led to increased iPlayer sign-ups, with 34% of new users watching all five episodes. Our tracking differentiated between interactive and static versions, proving the effectiveness of interactive elements. The progressive enhancement strategy was successful, reaching a significant portion of recipients.

The email was showcased on the Really Good Emails site, and our coding expert, Jay Oram, discussed it on Feedback Friday.

Client Testimonial

Overall, we are very happy with the results we achieved and will continue to look for opportunities to use interactive elements in future campaigns. — BBC Creative




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